Total overall deep healing for my old father.
Several health conditions.
1) little skin tumors
2) very bad eyesight - almost blind on one eye, the other double and blurry vision
3) prostate gland swelling
4) hiatal hernia - pain - please pray that he will allow surgery if it's...
1littleskintumors1 weak heart 2 stomach
4 hiatal hernia pain
bad eyesight
country: croatia
life suicidal thoughts
negative thinking doom
old father
several health conditions
total overall deep healing
AMAZING DAY FOR ME IN EVERY WAY. Prosperity, blessings, money, joy, love, attention, respect, favor, helping hand, understanding, compassion.
My old mom - STRENGTH and HEALTH to be able to serve my old father with 3 serious health conditions (eyes, skin, prostate gland). 1 hour complicated...
1 hour complicated therapy
2 possible prostate gland cancer growth
3 serious health conditions eyes
country: croatia
old mom strength
one eye bad surgeries glaucoma cataract
possible blindness
prosperity blessings money joy
serious eye issues