Answers For Today

Answers For Today

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Chuck Smith
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In Answers for Today, Pastor Chuck Smith addresses various practical aspects of our Christian faith, including healing, the rapture, and more. Pastor Chuck devotes a chapter in Answers for Today to addressing commonly asked questions, including questions about false teachings, Christian liberty, and much more.

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4.44 star(s) 9 ratings

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I love & believe in Jesus & i know that he will be coming back again so we all need to be prepared
Excellent Iam giving this ratings It's true the world is going to end prepare and ready to go and read the word of God 🙏
True to the point...christ is coming back
Am giving it an exllent rating, indeed the world is coming to end and many are still living a reckless life. It's time to change and live according to his word.
It has been a great honor to be a member on this site so that things of God can be so so close to man and have contributed to spiritual building in the life of so many mankind. I'm very grateful to be joined as a member since I'm experiencing God mightiness on this group so I'm very proud of being here together with you
Thanks for sharing. Its excellent.I believe Jesus is coming soon. Let's keep following his instructions
Excellent rating as it reminds us of the coming of Jesus. As such, we need to prepare
I am giving the excellent rating because this is true, Jesus is coming and the world still don't believe it,I am truly blessed to be the member of this worshipping team.🙏🙏
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