come now to Mark chapter 8...Mark chapter 8. I have in my mind the desire to move somewhat rapidly through the gospel of Mark, hoping that some time next summer we may be able to finish this book. And I think we can do that. We'll take some chunks and stay close to the text of Mark and not deviate unless the Lord causes us to go another direction. That's kind of the plan. So we're looking forward to just a great time together as we cover the second half of this wonderful history.In the eighth chapter we come to verses 27 and following, verses 27 down to verse 33. This is a portion of Scripture that we've looked at before, not in Mark but a parallel text is in Matthew 16, and another parallel text is in Luke 9. It is little wonder that these three synoptic gospels, as they are called, they each give us a synopsis of the life of Christ, all feature this particular event because it is such a monumental one.I have chosen to call this message, "The Ultimate Good News/Bad News" experience. And we've all had those. We've all had somebody say to us, "I have good news and bad news." We know that. Sometimes it is trivial, and sometimes it is serious. But this is the ultimate good news/bad news experience. This is so extreme for Peter and the Apostles who are the ones to whom this good news and bad news are delivered. This is the ultimate trauma, the highest high followed by the lowest low...