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His Cross - Your Cross

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The Lord s trial had gone through the night, from Pilate to Herod and back to Pilate. Herod and Pilate were enemies, but now they became friends. They found common ground in their enmity against Jesus. On the way to be crucified, history teaches us that Jesus was carrying His cross and fell down because He was weak from all the torture. The Bible doesn t specifically say that but historians mention it. But the Bible does tell us that when He went to Gethsemane, He took with Him His disciples only to a certain point and three others a little further and left them too and He went still a little further and prayed earnestly, even so that His sweat drops were as blood. He was in a terrific battle, and He prayed and said, "Father if it s possible let this cup pass from Me, nevertheless not My will but Your will be done". That cup was filled with your sin and my sin - the sin of the world. He Who is the Holy Son of God became sin for us! Jesus was fully man and fully God.

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