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Esther #2 Ch. 3-4

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Haman is 'the bad guy' of the story of Esther, interestingly he was the descendent of Agag king of the Amalekites, a man whom king Saul of whom Mordecai was a descendent spared against the will of God, it is interesting that if Saul had obeyed the Lord in wipoing out the Amalekites the events of Esther might never have taken place, there is an important lesson here in that our disobedience toward God may have far reaching consequences beyond our own lives. Haman was promted to be the 'prime minister' of the Persian empire and this everyone had to pay ho9mage to him, which they did, all except Mordecai and Haman was greatly angered by this and sought revenge, not just against Mordecai but against his people, the Jews. Haman went to the king and lies and asks that all the jews be killed in a holocaust fashion, the king doesn't check the facts but agrees and a decree is sent through all the empire. Mordecai is greatly troubled by this and mourns and tells his niece Esther, the queen, that she has come to her place of status for sucha time as this.
Chuck Missler

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