John Hus was greatly influenced by John Wycliffe, he was a roman catholic preist but was impacted by two cartoons he saw that compared the Lord Jesus to the pope, he preached in his church in Prague in the common language that the avereage person could understand and not in latin. He had disagreements with the church over not giving the cup of communion to the laity, he believed the Bible to be the hiehest authority and not the pope, he condemned the idols adorning churches and the selling of indulgences. For these beliefs he was excommunicated and brought to Rome under the pretence that he woudl recieve a fair hearing, he didn't and was condemned to death and burnt at the stake. Desiderius Erasmus was a scholar who wanted to reform the church for moral and schollarly reasons, he lived around the same time as Luther and translated the new testament back into it's original language of greek.