Luther expected the pope to agree with what he wrote in his 95 Theses and did not expect in the least to break from the church of Rome. But the Church came and challenged Luther and his beliefs but the more the pushed against him and his theology the more Luther resisted and became convinced of it's truth. Because of this coubts crept into Luthers mmind, not about what he found in the scriptures but about the pope and the doctrine that were coming out of the church. In 1521 a council was assembled called 'The Diet of Worms' it was presided over by Emperor Charles V and gave Luther the opertunity to recant what he had written, he didn't. Luther was released but the Emperor decreed that anyone who helped Luther from then on would be excomunicated, when he returned to Germany he translated the Bible into German, a version which is still used today, a german KJV if you will. In 1530 Luther was given one last chance to recant he didn't and the division between Catholocism and Lutherism was finalized.