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Become an inward Christian

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I think this word of Jesus, Ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship God might have knocked the bottom out of the enthusiasm of the Pentecostal convention that went to Jerusalem. My, people thought it was such a wonderful thing and they have for 2000 years traveled to Jerusalem. And when you come there I ve been there twice myself you find nothing like you find here, right in this room. I tell you the truth, you don t. You can find in Brooklyn something that s better than I ve found in Jerusalem. People talk about Jesus Christ said, Neither in Jerusalem nor in this mountain. And yet people travel all over the world to get some entertainment, and God is looking for men and women who will have sense enough to come to Him and do as He says. He is seeking men and women who worship Him in spirit and in truth. And in order to create such men and women, the Lord Jesus Christ has offered us a great and wonderful gift here. And I would like to impress our hearts tonight with the fact that Jesus Christ has a great blessing: If thou knewest the gift of God. Oh, to know that gift of God!

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