
Astonishing Servant of Jehovah

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Now for this morning, I finally want you to open your Bible to the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah, Isaiah chapter 53, and we are about to embark on a study of this immensely important portion of the Old Testament as we begin our series in the Old Testament, finding Christ there.The reality this morning is, folks, I give you sort of fair warning. The reality is you're going to think you're in an upper division class in the Master's Seminary because it is essential to me to give you the ground work and the foundation and something of the structure of this section of Holy Scripture. You need to understand its character, its context so that you can be able to draw all the richness that is in this chapter. I have heard sermons on Isaiah 53 but you're going to get more than that, you're going to get a series that could last as long as a couple of months. And in order to make that all that it should be and for you to be able to see what is really in this incredible section of Scripture, I'm going to have to give you an introductory message this morning. And so you need to put on your scholastic cap and think carefully and thoughtfully about this, expect to be on overload a little bit. We're going to test your gigabyte capacity this morning, how much you can handle. But we're going to lay this one down on CD, if you will, or on MP3 file for the future, it will be the kind of thing you'll probably want to go back to and listen and absorb in the future. . . .
Pastor John MacArthur
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