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Psalm Intro Book II

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At the core of what Thru the Bible is and what we do, is the conviction that the Bible is true and trustworthy. We believe God uses His Word uniquely in each of our lives to transform the way we think, believe, and live. How does He do this? We believe that, in part, He does this by telling us His own story: The story of His love, His redemption—a story that He planned and put into place before our time began. At its heart, it is the story of how He has opened the way for us to know Him, to love and obey Him, to grow deeper day by day in the ways we trust Him. It is a beautiful story that gets better every time we hear it.
Dr. J. Vernon McGee
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By Dr. J. Vernon McGee Copyright 1988 Thru the Bible, You are welcome to duplicate and distribute these audio programs—no permission is needed from Thru the Bible. We insist, however, that you also provide them free and never charge others for them.

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