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(1 Peter - Part 29): False Teaching On Obscure Teaching

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A critically important theology lesson designed to armor the people of God against heretics who use certain hard, obscure texts from the Bible to teach things that the Bible never says at all. In False Teaching on Obscure Teaching, A. W. Tozer demolishes several dark misrepresentations of First Peter 3:18-24 and 4:6, by shining upon them the brilliant light of the rest of God s Word. Let me give you a good working rule for the understanding of Scripture: if you haven t more than one verse to support it, don t teach it. Because if it isn t found in more than one verse of the Bible, the chances are it isn t found there, either. Pastor Tozer preached the 29th part of his 34-part series on First Peter in Chicago, Illinois, on June 13, 1954. Its length is 34 minutes and 43 seconds. It is recommended that you follow along with the url http: modules articles index.php?view article aid 18521 text transcription url of this sermon, as the sound quality makes listening difficult in some places.
A.W. Tozer

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