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When the Glory of God Passes By

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The most tragic of all things is to be unaware that the Glory Of God is passing us by. When the pursuit of the people of God does not differ from the pursuits of a perishing society around us God will withdraw His presence from us. When we are motivated by the desire to be glorified of men, and our focus is on titles, positions and prominence, we will create a man-made glory. Jesus speaks to these ministries and calls them an abomination and says that they will fall under a curse. There is a day coming when the true church of Jesus Christ will stand up against these false prophets. God will rise up and deliver His people. God will reveal Himself to those who are grieved at what is being done to the name of Jesus and grieved at the way society is living without God. These Christians are not spiritual giants, they simply love Jesus and have a passionate desire for Him to be glorified in these last days.
Carter Conlon

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