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Go and Get Your Family

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February 3, 2008 - We are living in a society that is grieved for their sons and daughters. Underneath this grief is a cry that is asking WHERE IS GOD? Some are in the church asking the same thing - How can we get our family back? How can we get back what we have lost? The answer is that we must get back to the place where God first anointed us. We must get back to the secret closet of prayer and begin one more time to WALK in the SPIRIT! God has given us a LIFE PARTNER who is the HOLY SPIRIT to enable us to be more than we cloud ever be by any amount of human wisdom and strength. God is calling His church to lay down our lives for others. When we get back to the secret closet of prayer we will hear the Lord say go and get my sons and daughters, go and get your family. When we go in faith we will get back ALL that the devil has stolen.
Carter Conlon

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