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When the Unseen Becomes Visible

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December 20, 2009 - This message is for those who know the right thing to do but find that you are powerless to do so. It s for: dishonest people who want to trust God but don t know how, selfish people that want to be generous, wounded hearts that want to let go and forgive, and the verbally abusive who have a desire to speak with kind words. How do we get free from this? How do we experience peace on earth and goodwill towards man? The answer is the gift of Jesus. God in the flesh burst forth into the visible because humanity had no way out! This is the message of Christmas. He came with a display of compassion for our weaknesses and nailed them to a Tree. The good news is that Jesus forgives our sin and enables us to live a life that is pleasing to Him and those around us.
Carter Conlon

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