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Aggressive Christianity - Part 5

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Courtesy of Read by Marc Adams. The world is dying. famishing for lack of real spiritual bread. It wants something to eat, and many Christians give it a stone! But God is raising a people who know what the world wants and how to give it, who know how to break the bread of life, and testify what God has done for them. You are called to preach the gospel by the need of the world. Set yourself to work for God. Go to Him to ask Him how to do it. Go to Him for the equipment of power and then begin. Never mind how you tremble. Your trembling will do more good than if you were ever so brave. Never mind the tears. I wish Christians would weep the Gospel into people; it would often go deeper than it does. Never mind if you stammer. They will believe you when it comes from the heart. Get filled with the Spirit, and then go and let it out upon the lost. Go and stretch yourself upon the dead in sins, and breathe into him the breath of spiritual life. Go and touch his eyes that he may see, and speak to the dead and deaf with the voice of God and make them hear. Look the lost in the face and take hold of them lovingly by the hand and say, My friend, you are dying, you are going to everlasting death If nobody has ever told you till now - I have come to tell you .
Catherine Booth

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