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God's Cure for Man's Weakness

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GOD'S CURE FOR MAN'S WEAKNESS. DELIVERED ON SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 24TH, 1866, BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON. Out of weakness were made strong. -Hebrews 11:34. SOME kinds of weakness are of God's appointment, and necessarily incident to manhood; they are not sinful, and, therefore, we may continue to be subject to them without regret. In reference to such weaknesses it may be that after beseeching the Lord even thrice to remove them, it may be for our good that they should remain. Then will our gracious God give us, in place of removing the weakness, this reply, My grace shall be sufficient for thee. This is a case of in weakness made strong, and there are many of God's saints who daily experience so blessed a privilege. They are weak, and continue weak; they have infirmities which they once wished to have removed, but which now they are content to bear; for now they are of the same mind with the apostle, that they glory in their infirmity, because when they are weak they are strong. But, dear friends, there is another kind of weakness which is sinful, a weakness which springs not from nature but from fallen nature; not from God's appointment, but from our sinfulness, and out of this we should desire to be delivered. We cannot pray for strength in sinful weakness, but must earnestly plead for strength to come out of it and to be made strong.
C. H. Spurgeon

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