Delivered on Friday Afternoon, June 11, 1858 "Yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Isaiah 55:1. In this sermon Spurgeon wonderfully offers the Gospel, "without money and without price" to everyone w ho is able to "know enough to know yourself a lost sinner, and Christ a great Saviour." He pleads with poor sinners that no matter how great their sin may be, his mercy is, and always will be, greater. He takes use of many examples of people who try to get into heaven with money, with price. He explains how many people without God spend their days trying not to focus on Eternity, and trying to focus instead on the temporal. He charges the person thus without God to instead dare ponder his own soul's destination, that he will spend forever in Hell until he turns to the cross of Christ. Then he offers a firm and resolute "entreat to believe on the Lord Jesus."