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Hosea #2 Ch. 2-3 Seven Blessings of Israel

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The Lord changes the names of Hosea children from 'not my people' to 'my people' and 'no mercy' to 'mercy', showing that one day Israel who had been put away from the Lord because of their sin would be reunited with their God as an adulterous bride reunited with her faithful husband. This is reflected in Hosea's adulterous wife Gomer and his faithfulness and love towards, the Lord had blessed Israel greatly and they had turned and praised idols for their blessings, so the Lord promises to send judgement on Israel in order to turn them back to Hi, and that is exactly where Israel are today mostly away from the Lord. Chapter 3 of Hosea has been described by some as the greatest chapter in the whole Bible quite a feat for 5 verses. Gomer is up for auction as a slave and Hosea buys her back with all he has, he then takes her home and reclothes her. This is exactly what the Lord has done for us, where we are obviously in the place of Gomer and Hosea in the place of the Lord.
Chuck Missler

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