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(Through The Bible) Genesis 1:19-31

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Marvelous is Gods creative genius as you look at His creation. God has built in instincts and traits micro-systems so that animals behave and do things which really wouldn t be possible through evolution. How great a God we serve, how wise in His creation surely the creation shows forth His handiwork. Elohim plural trinity of God. V26 let us make man in our plural, trinity image. If God created me with a capacity of choice unless I had the ability to choose. So freedom of choice is given to men and the opposite of what good is given so people can choice what is actually good. God influences choices because He loves and cares for us, but we have the right to not choose God. God will not force His choice upon us, He is an gentleman. In pictures of Christ there is an attempt to define Him in form. It is more God honoring according to the commandment of not making an graven image of God to not make any image of Jesus Christ. Gods will for original man is to be fruitful and multiply and to subdue the earth. All the animals at that point lived off the grasses and vegetation, there was no carnivous animals. God rested meaning that He was not exhausted but that the creation was completed. This chapter gives the first look at creation, but the next chapter gives an more detailed version of the creation of man. And God is revealed in a different name: Jehovah. This different name of God curtails the relationship between God and man. What is important is what did God say not who did He say it through.
Chuck Smith

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