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(Through The Bible) Genesis 21-23

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As he had said and did as He had spoken. God always does what he says. Abraham laughed first and God called Him laughter, Sarah even laughed when she heard about the child from the tent. God heard the voice of the lad, so Ishmael was praying as well as Hagar. It is interesting that God heard the prayers of Ishmael rather then Hagar. The Arabs and Israel are linked together through Abraham; Ishmael is the father of the Arabic people. The enticements for sinning are from the flesh not from God. God can test us but never will he lead us into doing a sin or sending direct temptation. By our own lusts we are drawn away and enticed. The first time the word love is used in the bible is the fatherly love, the father for the son. This is a type of Father God s love for His Son Jesus Christ. There are a lot of works that are done in the flesh that are going to be consumed; they will be wood, hay, and stubble. It is the motives for it, if it draws any praise and glory to ourselves then it will be your reward already. Much of what we do for God is really done for our own glory benefit or recognition. God does not recognize our works in the flesh.
Chuck Smith

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