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(Through The Bible) Genesis 24-26

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Abraham made his servant swear that he should go back to Abraham s old country to get a woman for his son Isaac. The woman that is being asked by the servant is being asked to take a large step of faith. The chances for the servant to be successful to get a women to come back was a small or very uncertain. The servant re-asks the question to ensure that if a woman would not come because he wanted to get the terms of the vow clear. The servant has faith and prays to God for Him to let a certain women be the one for Abraham s son Isaac. The servant makes a fleece prayer before God. It is interesting that sometimes it takes a long time for our prayers to be answered. Sometimes are prayers are done immediately. Why does sometimes it come immediately and sometimes takes a long time. The answer is simply that God is in control of things; he is in control of the issues and timing of our prayers and needs. Every right thing you pray for God wanted to give it to you before you pray. Every good and perfect gift is from above.
Chuck Smith

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