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(Through The Bible) Genesis 39-41

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Christians have problems. We have trials and tribulations but Jesus promised to give victory in our trials and tribulations. We have joy and peace in our problems because they are for our good and God can sustain and keep us during those times. Joseph s life typified an life of trials and tribulations but at the same time he has an inward victory knowing that God would bless him and make him prosperous over his family and lead him. Potifers wife daily was tempting Joseph to go to bed with her. Understand who he was kept him from sub coming to the temptation. It was possibly something normal to do in Egypt world but even though its normal for the world its our calling as a Christian to be different and follow God because of who we are in Christ. How can we who are dead in sin live any longer, Joseph says this to himself how can he do this evil deed before God with a good conscience. You need to have the reconigition of Gods presence with you all the time, we cannot sin against God willfully knowing He knows all things.
Chuck Smith

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