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(Through The Bible) Exodus 13-15

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Pharaoh pursues the children of Israel, but Moses gets a hard time from the people because they thought it was better to be slaves in Egypt then to be dead in the desert. Many times we think it is a lucky thing to be a leader and lead people. But really leadership takes a lot of hard critism and a hard time from the people, leaders cant please everyone at once. There are times to pray and there are times to move and do things. We have to hear from God and be sensitive to His voice to know when this time is. How big of a God do we serve? God is able to split waters in the largest deepest places! What a marvelous miracle. It is a miracle either way! If it was a very shallow lake then it was amazing how God could drown the whole Egyptian army in a few feet of water, or if it was a deep lake then he split those massive walls of water. God always leads us into a desolate place so that he can prove that he is leading us and guiding us.
Chuck Smith

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