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(Through The Bible) Exodus 23-25

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God wants us to be merciful to the animals. You are not to take any gifts to the judges, so that they would not twist the judgment and show favor to someone because of the gift. Kosher habits was taken from this one verse in exodus which Jesus called straining at a knat. It is a form of legalism, which still exists to this day. My name is in him; this angel speaking could be Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus shows up many times in Old Testament scriptures in various ways. Caption of the Lords hosts and other occurrences. It is called a theophony which is an appearance of Christ in the Old Testament. The Life of victory after the Spirit not after the flesh is Gods will. We are to be conquerors over fear, anxiety and other bondages, God is promising victory but it comes one by one, victory by victory. He will drive them out one by one, till we inherit the Land.
Chuck Smith

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