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(Through The Bible) Exodus 30-32

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There is perpetual incense that is burning so arron and other priests had this responsibility to have to going continually. And they are to have a once a year sacrifice, which is the Day of Atonement. There will also make a laver of brass, which is a big bathtub for the priests to wash in. They washed their hands and feet, so they will not die, because God will kill them. This is done because God wanted the priests set apart and holy for His service. God commands to make anointing oil that is just to be used for priestly service. And it will be used to anoint priests. It is holy and if anyone makes anything like it will be cut off from the people. It is a bunch of spices and mixed together for a perfume. It is marvelous to see people will abilities and gifts to do certain things such as music and other practices. Westcott and Hort manuscripts are wrong and have been inspired by Satan there are many people who use them to put down the KJV but that is wrong. One of the translators of King James could read and write Hebrew when he was 5 years old. He could converse in 35 different languages.
Chuck Smith

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