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(Through The Bible) Exodus 33-34

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The Lord told Moses to depart and go to the land that he swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He said he would sent an angel before them. Because the people are so rebellious and prone to sin so God rather showed grace to the people. The people began to mourn before God. God said you are a stiff-necked people and he told them to strip their ornaments from them. Jesus died outside of Jerusalem and in the same way to meet with God the Jew has to come out of Judaism and come out to meet God. AS the people saw God descended on the tent door with Moses inside ministering to the Lord, they worshipped God. God said to Moses you cannot see my face but there was such a complete and total communication between God and Moses. In the New Testament Jesus said no man has seen God at anytime. So comparing Scripture with Scripture Moses never really did see the actual face of God. Every time a man has a revelation of God its brilliance is like the sun and the brightness of his glory so no form. We should covet this face-to-face relationship that Moses has with the Lord.
Chuck Smith

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