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(Through The Bible) Deuteronomy 1-4

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The word Deuteronomy means the second law. It is Moses final address to people and probably accounts of the final month and a half of Moses life. He is rehearsing the accounts and past of Israel many of the people that were raised were not raised in Egypt. All these events in Deutoromy happen in the last 40 days of Moses life, they are words of encouragement before they cross over into the land. A part of the wilderness experience was legitiment, but most of the wilderness experience was illegitimate! They had to cross through the wilderness to get into Israel but not to stay there beyond what was necessary to get through to the promised Land. The promised land, the live of victory and freedom is God s will for us to come into that life which is an life of the Spirit. We need to put aside the flesh walk and get into the life of the Spirit, God does not want us to spend our whole life in the wilderness. The life of the Spirit begins with the death of the old man, which is a step of faith, reckon your old man dead in Christ. The flesh and spirit are contrary, each of them are seeking supremacy and to rule our life s.
Chuck Smith

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