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(Through The Bible) Deuteronomy 26-29

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In a few months Moses is going to go up into the mountain and die. He is rehearsing again the conditions that Gods blessings would be given in this new promised land. Moses is about to give over leadership to Aaron. God is now established an new covenant with man which is through Jesus Christ which enables us to experience all the blessings of God. The burnt offerings were the offerings of consecration, the peace offering was the offering of our communion with God. God says if they hearken diligently to observe and to do all that they were commanded then they would be fruitful in the land and would be set high among all the nations in the earth. They would be blessed among people of the earth. In America today we are enjoying the benefits of an nation that was founded on the need and centrality of God in the national life. And the nation did become prosperous and strong but now we are forsaking these ways and many leaders who believe we should not have God in charge of our life s and country.
Chuck Smith

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