Manasseh took part of its inheritance on the other side of the Jordan. They did not fully take over the Canaanites this was their mistake to not come into the full victory that God desired for them. This is a spiritual allegory that we are to come out of the bondage of Egypt which is sin and death and to come into the Land of promise which is the victorious spiritual life in Christ. Gods desire is for us to have all our enemies utterly driven out. We need to enter into the full victory by Christ and if these areas are not fully taken by faith and the promise of God then the devil will use it in our future. Let us not follow after the same example but follow after the spirit. We need to be totally open to God for what He has for us. Its sad to have a concept of God that limits us from God working in our life how He wants to. We cannot but any restraints on what he wants to do in our life and through our life. Why should we come short of the fullness God desires for our life. We need to give all areas of flesh that are not given into the ruler ship of Christ by the Spirit in our life.