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(Through The Bible) 1 Samuel 1-10

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The bible says that the eyes of the Lord go out to and fro the earth till he finds someone that is seeking Him. God needed a man that would speak to the people for Him and hear from God. There was really no mans ears that were open to God. Hannah prayed and gave her child to God if she would have a child. God delays his answers so that it is for His glory and that we would learn to pray aright. Most of our prayers are personal requests to God we are usually thinking of ourselves. If we pray according to Gods will then it will be granted. But we are usually thinking of what we want in regards to asking God. Eli the priest was watching Hannah praying and saw her mouth moving but no words so he thought she was drunk. This shows the low spirituality of the high priest that he could not discern that she was in the spirit and prevailing in prayer with God for his child and the petitions she asked. Once she heard from God she was very joyfully she has faith and believed in God what he said to her. An mark of faith is to act that I have it before I even have it, if God has promised it to us. We need to have a joyful attitude.
Chuck Smith

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