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(Through The Bible) 1 Samuel 17-25

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Goliath came out in the battlefield of the philistines being over 9 feet tall. The bible gives a detailed description of his armor and was said to be an awesome sight in the sight of the children of Israel. He comes out every day for 40 days to challenge the children of Israel and nobody goes out to the challenge. David was sent to give some food and get word from his brothers about the army and the battle, then he hears Goliaths challenge and has a godly stirring in his heart against this uncircumcised heathen. Goliath is defying the armies of the living God and David went into Saul to ask permission being only a child. David carries around the head of Goliath for 2 whole days even into the presence of King Saul after the slaughter of the giant. Jonathan and David had a deep bond which they had right away. Saul kept David with the army and would not allow him to leave for awhile. Wherever Saul would go he stayed with him and he was accepted in the sight of the people even though he was so young.
Chuck Smith

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