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(Through The Bible) 1 Kings 5-8

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The description of the temple is being given. When stone is brought to the temple was not done at the temple but away from the city so there was no noise of the hammer at the construction of the temple. All the stones of the temple were marked off from the temple so when it came to the temple they knew it was there and were it should go. If they could not figure out where the stone fit then they would throw the stone away and this stone was covered with shrubs. They were looking for the chief cornerstone which was that stone they threw away. The stone that was rejected by the builders it the chief cornerstone. What a sobering visual of what the people of Israel did to the messiah. Peter proclaimed this the Sanhedrin and religious leaders. People did not build temples to dwell in but rather they were making the temple to have God to dwell in. An house for God and the common ordinary people were not allowed in the building, they were allowed in the porches but no in the building itself. But in the Christian life we have God dwelling with us in our hearts. What an amazing barrier and view God has opened up through the death and blood of Jesus Christ.
Chuck Smith

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