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(1 Samuel) When God Rejects a Leader

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Here we are introduced to one of the great men in this book of 1 Samuel, Jonathan who was a remarkable military leader and also son of Saul the king. Jonathan leads an army against the local philistine garrison and wins a resounding victory, even though Saul his father took the credit for it, but the philistines didn't like this at all and decided to amass an army to put down this 'rebellion' in the people of Israel who they oppessed. the people of Israel were fearful before going into battle and realised they need the Lord to fight for them, so Saul calls for Samuel to offer a sacrifice and bless them before the battle. After a few days of Samuel not coming to offer the sacrifice Saul decides to off the sacrifice himself, which was a major sin as he was a king not a priest, and just after the sacrifice is offered Samuel comes over the hill to find to his horror Saul has not waited for him, and thus not waited for the Lord's timing. Samuel offers Saul an opportunity to repent but instead he makes excuses, so Samuel tells him that the Lord has rejected him as king and has found a man after His own heart to rule the people.
David Guzik

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