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(1 Samuel) Blessings to a Bold Faith

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Israel were vastly outnumber and had no adequate militray equipment to fight the Philistine army that amassed against them. However this did not concern Jonathan and his armour bearer one bit, they saw a big enemy but a bigger God and with one of the Bibles great faith exercises went up against the local philistine garrison believing that God could deliver them into their hand. Jonathan as a man of God knew that the Lord could save wether by many or by few, He was not hindered in the least by numbers. Jonathans armour bearer was loyal to his master and went all the way with him believing the Lord the same way. Jonathan just before going up to the philistines asked the Lord for one last sign that this was of Him, and he received confirmation and declared victory before even meeting his foe. This is a mighty lesson for us to learn that truelly if God is for us then who dare be against us. The Lord delivered just 20 men into their hand but the whole became afraid and started turning on each other.
David Guzik

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