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(1 Samuel) How to Be Rejected by God

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Samuel rebukes Saul for his and his pride, but Saul argues that he has indeed followed the Word of God, but this is because he was self deceived and goes even furhter as to blame the people for bringing back the animals for sacrifice. If these animals would have been sacrificed to the Lord as Saul desired it would have been a sacrifice of disobedience and the Lord would not have accepted it anyway, as to obey is better than sacrifice. The Lord could see Saul's heart in all this and saw how rebellious and stubborn he was for this the Lord had to reject Saul from being king over Israel, but even through all this Saul did not repent but begged for Samuel to honor him before the people, Samuel turned and worshipped the Lord as he knew that the Lord would deal with Saul and he no longer had anything to say to Saul. Agag king of the Amalekites was then brought before Samuel, but Samuel hacked him to pieces before the Lord and was unmerciful towards him as the Lord had commanded.
David Guzik

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