Samuel is mournig the failure of Saul as the first king of Israel, but the Lord is looking to the future and what He is going to do, so He tells Samuel to get up, fill his horn with oil and head out to anoint the next king of Israel, a king whom the Lord had chosen, not the people, a boy from among the sons of Jesse of Bethlehem, David. So Samuel arrives in Bethlehem to meet the new king, Jesse brings all of his sons before Samuel but Samuel says that the Lord has chosen none of them, then finally Jesse brings David, the youngest, from looking after the sheep, and Samuel is surprised for David is just a boy probably between 10 and 15, but the Lord knows Davids heart. Dabid had spent his life thus far being obedient out in the fields looking after the sheep and drawing close to God, he had also been in a few fights with wild animals from which the Lord had delivered him, thus David trusted in the Lord. Samuel anoints David but oil but the Lord anointed him then with the Holy Spirit.