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(1 Samuel) How to Kill a Giant

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David is brought before Saul because of his willingness to challenge Goliath, but Saul see the battle from an earthly perspective, and purely in the flesh, he thought there was no way that David could win, but David knew that the Lord was with him and that there was no way he could lose! So David told Saul how the Lord had delivered a lion and a bear into his hand and that he had killed them when they came to attack the sheep he looked after, this was the Lord training David to fight Goliath. Saul tried to put his fleshly armour on David but it didn't and David renounced it for his trust was in the armour of God. So David took 5 stones from the brook and drew near to Goliath to challenge him, Goliath mocked him but David filled with the Spirit charged at Goliath hurled a stone at him and killed him in one hit, then David took Goliaths sword and cut off his head. The Philistines were shocked and fled but the army of Israel chased after them led by David.
David Guzik

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