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(1 Samuel) How God Protects

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Michal, David's wif ans Sauls dughter, warns David that Saul has sent men to their house to kill him, and that if he doesn't escape he will die. The men from Saul come to the house and demand of Michal that they bring out David, but Michal tells them that David is sick and in bed. Just before this David had escaped from his house and Michal had put the household idol in his bed to make it look like David was there. So the men from Saul look in and think David is sick so they return to Saul, to tell him David is sick, Saul deosn't care and wants him killed anyway. So the servants head back and discover David has escaped. David in the meentime has gone to see Samuel, who is overseeing a 'prayer meeting' David get into the prescence of the Lord and the servants of Saul turn up to kill him, but they get involved in the prayer meeting too and head back to Saul empty handed, so Saul send more men to get David but the same thing happens twice. So Saul goes himself to kill David and is also overcome by the Holy Spirit, as the Lord shows Saul that He is in control of the whole situation.
David Guzik

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