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(1 Samuel) How to Overcome Evil with Good

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Saul, after his battle with Philistines, resumes his pursuit of David. So David and his men go to hide in the wilderness on Engedi, but the sscouts see Saul coming towards them with 3000 men. So David and his band hide deep in the back of one of the caves, Saul and his men are about to pass by the cave when they stop and Saul comes into the cave alone. David's men compel him to kill Saul, so David quietly sneeks up to where Saul is and cuts of a piece of his robe and returns to his men. Saul leaves the cave and Davids men cannot believe that he didn't kill Saul. But David because of his tender heart before the Lord goes even further and, walks out of the cave and crys to Saul in great humility. He declares that he does not want to kill Saul as some people think and as proof shows Saul the piece of the robe he cut off, Saul seeing this repents for wanting to kill David and goes home, but David returns to his stronghold, in case Saul changes his mind again.
David Guzik

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