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(2 Samuel) Caught in the Trap of Sin

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Bathsheba was now pregnant by an adulterous relationship with David, and David knew it so he endeavoured to hide his sin by calling Bathsheba's husband Uriah back from the war. David asked Uriah how the battle was going and told him to go home and relax with his wife, but Uriah was a man of great integrity and refused to go home to be comfortable with his wife while Israel was at war. So David sent him back to the front with a note for Joab his commander to place Uriah in the heat of the battle and withdraw from him, sentencing Uriah to death. Joab obeyed the command of David and Uriah was killed in battle, David later took Bathsheba to be his wife in order to cover up what he had done but this displeased the Lord. David had ignored the warnings of the Lord and temptation had turned to lust, lust to adultery, adultery to deception and finally into murder, this is how our sin if unchecked can uncontollably accumulate until it utterly blinds us and only the Lord can save us.
David Guzik

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