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(2 Samuel) Bringing Back the Banished

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Absalom the son of David was in exhile, by his own choice and also by the decision of his father. But Joab, David's chief general was suspicious of Absalom and wanted him back in Jerusalem so he could keepa close eye on him. Joab got a woman to come before David and pretend to be a poor widow and tell him a story that was almost exactly the sameas the situation the king was in with Absalom. So after hearing the story David deicdes to pardon the womans son who was in the place of Absalom, at this the woman confronts David as to why he has suspended justice for her son but not for his own. In this is a great lesson that we should be forgiving of those who have personally wronged us. But the justice of the Lord towards mankind was not suspended for the sake of reconcilliation as our punishment was laid upon the shoulder of the Lord Jesus when He was on the cross, thus justice was satisfied and not suspended.
David Guzik

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