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(Daniel) In the Lion's Den

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Darius the Mede was the leader of the army that captured Babylon and killed Belshazzar, he became regent over Babylon under the rule of Cyrus king of Persia. By this time Daniel was probably around 80 years old and yet still had faultless integrity to the degree that the enemies of this man of God couldn't find any skeletons in his closet even after more than 50 years in civil service. They came to the conclusion that they would only trap Daniel because of his faithfulness to God, so they got Darius to pass a decree that no one should pray to any god except him for 30 days. In the face of this Daniel did the safest thing he could.. exactly what he had always done and stayed faithful to God. For this Daniel was condemned to be cast into the den of lions, the night he was in the den Darius neither slept nor ate, Daniel prayed as it was his custom to pray 3 times a day. We find that in this remarkable occasion Daniel was kept due to his habitual lifestyle, he remained faithful to God and the Lord blessed him for it.
David Guzik

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