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Church History - The Christian Empire Part 1 (312-1500)

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Between the years of 250 and 300ADThere was severe persecution of the church under Diocletian, and yet in 311AD the edict of toleration was put forth that stated that christians now had a right to practice their religion like all other faiths. Just before he became emperor of Rome Constantine became a christian, it is told that he saw a cross in the sky and heard a voice saying 'in this sign conquer' he adopted the symobol and won the battle he was facing, whether he was born again or not is still disputed. He granted religious freedom to all faiths and became personally involved in church controversiessuch as the Arian controversy, which states that Jesus is not equal to God. Because of Constantines influence christianity became a privileged religion and thus people became 'christian' for social and political gain, this lead to a great problem in the church.
David Guzik

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