There are two different types of reform, the first is prophetic reform which is forward looking where a man of God will arrive on the scene to proclaim a new era of God,s working with humanity, an example of this would be John the baptist. The second type of reform is apostolic reform which is backward looking and looks at how the church used to be and then get back to that way of things, this was the type of reform that the Reformation was. Peter Waldo in France paid a priest to translate the latin Bible into french so he could read it easier, this revolutionised his life as he finally could understand what the Bible was saying, because of this though reading of the Bible was outlawed for all non-clergy. John Wycliffe in England taught at Oxford university and supported the king of England against the pope. He disagreed greatly with transubstantiation and believed the Bible to be the ultimate authority, for this reason he translated the Bible into english.