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Church History - Zwingli, Calvin, & the Counter-Reformation

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Ulrich Zwingli was a swiss reformer before the time of John Clavin, he was a priest and a co-reformer with Luther, like Luther, Zwingli also persecuted the Anabaptists and then later died in the protestant catholic wars that began. John Calvin was a second generation reformer, he was schollarly and an excellent organiser, although he was french in origin Calvin pastored a church in Geneva which is still there today, the Geneva that Calvin lived in was amazing as the majority of people living there were born again christians. In 1564 at the Council of Trent the counter-reformation began it was an ecumenical council where the Roman Catholic church invited the portestants to attend, but they were'nt invited to debate doctrine but to repent for their abandoning the the church Church of Rome, the Council declared that that Church of Rome was infallible and that they were the only body who were allowed to interpret the BIble.
David Guzik

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