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Church History - Lutheranism after Luther

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After Luther came a man name Phillip Melanchton he differed greatky from Luther in both style and doctrine, Melanchton like Zwingli believed that there was nothing sacred about the bread and wine used in the communion service, Luther was horrified at this a declared the Melanchton was a secret calvinst. The reformation lead to revolutions in the way people thought and the diea they had but had little initial impact on the way people lived it was because of this the Luther sadly died a discouraged man. The rise of the Anglican church was instigated by Henry VIII in England, who previously had actually written tracts against Luther and reformed thinking and for this reaons was given the Title of 'Defender of the Faith' by the Pope! However for politcial not theological reasons Henry broke from the chutch of Rome and became head of the Anglican church which was Protestant in theology yet Roman Catholic in ceremony.
David Guzik

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