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The Exclusiveness of Jesus Christ

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The number one issue for every believer is whether Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, the risen Messiah. The time will come when it will be unlawful for anyone to claim that salvation is through Jesus alone. No religion has a problem with the man Jesus. The One World Church that is coming will actually be united under the name "Jesus", but it will be the man Jesus. The man Jesus the Hindus and the Moslems can accept. The good man, the prophet, the teacher. The name "Jesus" will hold them all together. As a result, people will think the One World Church cannot be so bad since they focus on Jesus. It is another Christ that some preach, but there is only one resurrected Jesus. The crucial question is: "Is Jesus Christ the only name under Heaven by which man can be saved?" The moment we compromise on the exclusiveness of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God departs. We have no more reason of being here. Make up your mind today whether you will stand or compromise when persecution comes.
David Wilkerson

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