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God´s provision

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God answers prayer, and when we are in need, we can go to Him with our need. Mr Moses Khoza also gave His testimony of how he had strayed from God, but God has shown him grace, granted him forgiveness of sin and even touched him physically. Before he came to KwaSizabantu he was in hospital and had a terrible experience. The people in his ward were very sick. One night he went to fetch himself some water to drink. When he came back to his bed, one of the patients begged him for some water. When he had fetched the water, the man didn't want to drink it, but asked mr Khoza to pour it onto his neck and chest, for he felt like he was burning. After that the next patient had the same request and then the next. It carried on for quite a while. The next morning two of the patients had passed away. God spoke to him through the incident, and he came to KwaSizabantu and met with the Lord afresh.
Erlo Stegen

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