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Faith, love and obedience

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What is believing? James tells us that the demons also believe in God, but they tremble and shake. James continue to say that unless you continue to show by your life that you have the true faith, your faith is worthless. Faith is directional in a Person. Faith not only requires that something is held true, but that Someone has entered into your life. Grasp this secret or you've missed the crux of the matter. Faith is not believing a set of historical facts. All the historical facts about Jesus, that He was the perfect spotless Lamb of God, born of a virgin, died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day - all of this the demons know to be true, but it doesn't help them. You need a special agreement with Jesus Christ, and then confess that commitment before people publicly. You must believe with the heart unto righteousness and confess with your mouth unto salvation Rom 10:10 .
Erlo Stegen

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