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Diligence in God´s Work - more lessons from Nehemiah

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The matter we find here is not directly related to the Christmas story but nevertheless contains and essential part of the Gospel for Jesus came into this world to "save His people from their sins" and set them on fire for Him and make them truly diligent in His work. Nehemiah had a cushy job in Persia. His position meant that the King's life was in His hands and he was also an advisor to him. Yet, his concern was for the condition of God's work in Jerusalem. As distant as he was Nehemiah still felt godly zeal for the Lord and His people. We find that he was able to inspire the Lord's people to work so zealously that they completed the rebuilding of the walls in 52 days - humanly impossible but with God, all things are possible. They both defended God's work and built, at the same time, despite all opposition.
Erlo Stegen

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